
2008年8月2日 星期六

When The Children Cry by White Lion - 經典原音系列

When The Children Cry - White Lion

1984年成軍,來自美國紐約布魯克林的這支超級搖滾勁旅白獅合唱團,由丹麥籍主唱Mike Tramp 及盛名直逼Eddie Van Halen 的吉他手Vito Bratta 號召鼓手Greg D'Angelo 與貝斯手James Lomenzo定名「White Lion」,從此揚名樂壇,銷售量已突破5百萬張,這種傲人的紀錄,留給追隨者永恆的標竿。

When the children cry是一首反戰歌曲,收錄在他們1987年的專輯《Pride》,這首歌起始部分的木吉他金屬音般的撥弦就非常的勾魂,清脆、鏗鏘,一如古戰爭中金戈鐵劍的碰撞交鋒。主唱的嗓音也放棄了往日的激情、高亢,多了幾分沉静的收斂,把整首歌的悲凉意境渲染得極為到位。最值得一提的就是整首歌的配器,重金屬音樂中罕見的纯淨、宇和,除了整首音樂中天籟般的金屬音主音吉他撥弦外,平時很暴躁很有活力的擊鼓和貝斯也表現出了難得的低调,内斂,细細品味很見功底,也正契合了音樂低沉、傷感的反戰主题。

When The Children Cry 吉他歌譜可參照:

When The Children Cry - White Lion

當孩子們在哭泣 - 白獅合唱團

Little child, dry your crying eyes
How can I explain the fear you feel inside
Cause you were born into this evil world
Where man is killing man
And no one knows just why
What we have become
Just look what we have done
All that we destroyed
You must build again

When the children cry
Let them know we tried
Cause when the children sing
Then the new world begins

Little child
You must show the way to a better day for all the young
Cause you were born for all the world to see
That we all can live with love and peace
No more presidents
And all the wars will end
One united world under god

When the children cry
Let them know we tried
When the children fight
Let them know it isn't right
When the children pray
Let them know the way
Cause when the children sing
Then the new world begins

